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4 Things You Need To Know If You Want A Reliable Benchmarking Analysis
With the new transfer pricing changes in Malaysia and the new transfer pricing documentation standard, a benchmarking analysis that is reliable and defendable, is key when preparing transfer pricing documentation. For this reason, we have compiled key tips that in our experience will help you getting a benchmarking analysis right.

What is Comparability Analysis for Transfer Pricing in Malaysia?
The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (“IRBM”) adopts the arm’s length principle as a basis to determine the transfer price of a transaction between associated entities. Arm’s length price is the price which would have been determined if such transactions were entered between independent entities under the same or similar circumstances.

Transfer Pricing for Commodity Entities - What type of trader is your company?
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) recognises the diversity in the commodity marketing/trading (CMT) activities undertaken by CMT entities in Singapore and the wide-ranging values they could bring to their multinational enterprise (MNE) group.

Final OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines on Financial transactions, What are the key changes?
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released in February 2020 the final Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions (Guidance). The Guidance provides an insight on the arm’s length treatment of various financial transactions among related parties.

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